Glance through the different services on offer. Get curious about the tools that could help you find Deeper Peace.
Not quite sure where to start? Book a free consultation below to start your journey.
For those of you with Spiritual Curiosity, come and explore different ways to dive into consciousness.
Having a lived experience of past lives, life between lives or deepening your connection with your Higher Self and Guides.
Spiritual Hypnotherapy offers a unique opportunity to expand your awareness and gain clarity and Deeper Peace.
Ever wished you had a direct connection to the Universe so you could ask all those big questions you want answered?
The Akashic Records are an energetic place where all of those
answers are held.
Akashic Record readings are one of the easiest ways you can access that Universal wisdom.
Energy clearing is all about releasing any negative energy or parts that may be holding you back.
Cleansing energy that may have built up generationaly, been picked up from past lives or from other people.
Cleaning up energy that may have been blocking you from your highest potential, or from uncovering Deeper Peace.
Hypnotherapy is about creating change.
Client focused Clinical Hypnotherapy is one of the most accessible tools we have for creating deep and permanent change.
Hypnosis is a process increasing deep relaxation. Allowing direct communication with the subconscious mind, to help you make the changes you want, for Deeper Peace
Yoga therapy is about self empowerment.
Using multifaceted tools from the ancient practice of Yoga combined with cutting edge science to create, stimulate and maintain an optimum state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Enhancing the clients own gift for self healing and discovering Deeper Peace.
Brain Working Recursive Therapy, BWRT® is a one-to-one talk therapy that helps you reprogram emotional responses to triggers and old behaviour patterns by rewiring the brain using neural plasticity.
Making permanent changes by thought alone in sometimes only one session.
There's actually nothing else like it in the world of therapy.
It's fast, it's permanent and exciting!
Mediation is an opportunity to pause, and learn to take a moment. A breath.
To view our lives with a calm eye and reflect. To access the peacefulness that is waiting within.
However appealing that all is, sometimes it feels so out of reach.
Which is why booking a meditation session allows you to directly experience your own peace and learn the tools that are best suited to you, to find your Deeper Peace.
Know what you are interested in? Book your session here.
Not quite sure and would like to find out more? Book a free 30 min consultation,
and together we can you find what it is your looking for.